Parts Used: Fruits

Common Names: Amlalaki - Amla, Bibhitaki - Baheda, Haritaki - Harad

Rasa (Taste): Kashaya (Astringent) Madhura (Sweet), Katu (pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Amla (Sour)

Guna (Qualities): Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)

Veerya (Potency): Anushnashita (Balanced or Neutral)

Vipaka (Post Digestion Effect): Madhura (Sweet)

Karma (Pharmacological Activity): Deepana (Appetizer) and Pachana (Digestive), Rasayana (Rejuvenative), Anulomana (Directs the Flow Downwards), Netrarogaghna (Treats Eye Disorders), Pramehaghna (Eliminates Diabetes)

Bioactive Compounds:  Tannins, Gallic Acid, Ellagic Acid, Chebulinic Acid, Flavonoids, Saponins, Anthraquinones, Amino Acids

Family: Amlalaki - Combretaceae, Bibhitaki - Combretaceae, Haritaki - Euphorbiaceae

Amalaki: Found in MP, W. Bengal, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Burma, Ceylon

Bibhitaki: Throughout the deciduous forests of India and Burma

Haritaki: Found throughout India, often planted in gardens.

Triphala is an Ayurvedic mixture of the three dried fruits namely Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. Since it is made up of “three fruits”, it derived the name ‘Tri’ meaning three - ‘phala’ meaning fruits in that context. The blend is also considered tridoshic, meaning it supports all three doshas: vata (energy of air, space, and movement), pitta (energy of fire, digestion, and metabolism), and kapha (energy of water, earth and lubrication).

Improves Digestive Health: Triphala is a good natural laxative and can help loosen stools and improve bowel movements. Its mild laxative properties (Rechana) help in the prevention and cure of constipation, general gastro-intestinal discomfort, and irritable bowel syndrome. It enhances the digestive process, acting as a digestive tonic that cleanses the digestive organs.

Ayurvedic View: Triphala is beneficial in managing digestive problems like Agnimandya (weak digestive fire) and constipation due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) and Rechana (laxative) properties. It helps to improve the digestive fire leading to improved digestion which promotes easy passage of stools from the body thereby relieving constipation.


Helps in Controlling Diabetes: Triphala helps in regularising blood sugar and cholesterol levels in your body. The phytochemicals in Triphala promote insulin secretion from the pancreas thereby lowering sugar levels and improving insulin resistance. This is due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce the breakdown of carbohydrates which lowers blood sugar levels.

Ayurvedic View: Diabetes is a condition which occurs due to indigestion and formation of Ama (toxin remains in the body due to incomplete digestion) due to imbalanced Vata and Kapha doshas. Triphala helps to manage this condition due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion), Vata - Kapha balancing and Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties. This helps to digest the Ama which leads to controlled sugar levels.



Bolsters Immunity: Through the Triphala Rasayana, i.e., rejuvenating properties, it strengthens the immune system. It is rich in antioxidants which help fight against oxidative stress. In this way, it also fights lethargy and fatigue in the body by generating energy and getting rid of the bodily toxins.

Ayurvedic View: Triphala is widely used for increasing immunity to fight day to day health issues. This is due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.


Enhances Vision: Triphala is a blessing herb for the eyes and helps in maintaining good vision. It is a rich source of vitamin C and flavonoids. It has potent antioxidant activity that helps to maintain eye health             

Ayurvedic View: Triphala is widely used for treating eye problems like burning, itching or irritation due to its Pitta balancing property. It gives cooling effects and removes eye irritation when Triphala mixed water is used to clean the eyes.


Relieves Stress: Haritaki and amla are both adaptogens, which means they help the body respond and adapt to mental, physical, and environmental stress. Instead of reacting and going into flight or fight mode when a physical, emotional, or spiritual challenge arises, Triphala can help maintain balance and homeostasis in the body and mind. According to research, Triphala’s ability to mediate stress response is also attributed to the antioxidants in the fruits.

Ayurvedic View: Stress is usually attributed to an imbalance of Vata dosha, and is associated with irritation, irregular lifestyle, insomnia, and fear. Taking Triphala helps to manage stress and its symptoms due to its Vata balancing property.


Boosts Dental Health: Triphala has strong restorative effects on the gums and teeth. The antioxidants in Triphala have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These properties help to prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth, which can lead to cavities and gum disease.

Triphala exert antidiabetic actions by inhibiting digestive enzymes and decreasing absorption of glucose through inhibition of glycolytic enzymes, thereby reducing blood glucose levels. It inhibits the digestion and absorption of starch thereby preventing post-meal hyperglycemia which is an excess of sugar in the blood. It acts as a digestive tonic and cleanses the digestive tract. Triphala combines both nutritional as well as blood and liver cleansing actions. It has little function as a demulcent or lubricating laxative, however, It possesses some anthroquinones that help to stimulate bile flow and peristalsis. It also improves the digestion process by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut and supporting the development of good bacteria. A balance of bacteria can help improve overall gut health. Triphala promotes the secretion of cholecystokinin hormone in the body. Cholecystokinin is a peptide hormone of the gastrointestinal system that stimulates the digestion of protein and fat. This hormone is responsible for sending a signal to the brain that the stomach is full.

  • Srikumar R, Parthasarathy N, Manikandan S, Narayanan G, Sheeladevi R. Effect of Triphala on Oxidative stress and on cellmediated immune response against noise stress in rats. Molecular Cell Biochemistry. 2006; 283:67-74.
  • Desai A, Anil M, Debnath S. A clinical trial to evaluate the effects of Triphala as a mouthwash in comparison with chlorhexidine in chronic generalized periodontitis patient. Indian J Dent Adv. 2010; 2: 243-247.
  • Munshi R, Bhalerao S, Rathi P, Kuber VV, Nipanikar SU, Kadbhane KP. An open-label, prospective clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Triphala in the management of functional constipation. J Ayurveda Suman Sen, et al., Journal of Dentistry and Oral Biology Remedy Publications LLC. 4 2017 | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Article 1024 Integr Med. 2011; 2: 144-152
  • Nariya, MB., et al. Comparison of gastroprotective effects of Triphala formulations on stress-induced ulcer in rats. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2011. 73 (6): 682-687.
  • Prativadibhayankaram VS, Malhotra S, Pandhi P, Singh A. Antidiabetic activity of triphala fruit extracts, individually and in combination, in a rat model of insulin resistance. Nat. Prod. Comm. 2008; 3(2):251-256.





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